Archived, Logos & Brands Larissa McCartney Archived, Logos & Brands Larissa McCartney

Designing Logos, Launching Brands

In my spare time (*laughs*), I take on clients who are launching businesses and need a logo, brand identity, and someone who can help them develop the story for their brand. Sometimes these projects are simple logos. Other times they evolve into website design, social content, print collateral, and lasting client relationships. These are a few of the brands I am particularly proud of.

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Archived, Campaigns Larissa McCartney Archived, Campaigns Larissa McCartney

Death By Client

Sometimes the client or internal team, doesn’t know a good thing when they see it. Sometimes the brief changes and these get put on indefinite hold. Sometimes I’m too attached to my baby to let it go. This page is for all those killed ideas that should have made it farther.

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