Level One Project

*Archived projects are examples of work from past campaigns or assignments that no longer live front and center in my portfolio. These projects may have been archived for a number of reasons (they were old, no longer showed my skillset, etc). But keeping them archived here makes them handy for quick discussions and case-study references.


An initiative of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

The Level One Project is focused on helping the public and private sectors develop pro-poor, digital financial services and markets that work for all. The goal is for every country in the world to have one inclusive, interconnected, digital economy. Everyone benefits from an economy that includes everyone. Yet today, billions of people—particularly in the world’s poorest countries—are excluded from a formal economy and miss out on the many advantages these financial systems offer.

Level One Project aims to change this. And thanks to the rapid rise of digital payment systems, as well as the ubiquity of mobile technology, we now have the power to build upon existing infrastructure within individual countries to address this inequality. If we do, it’s in everyone’s best interests. It will help billions take a step toward financial stability and advance the goals of those in a position to make a difference: bankers, mobile operators, payment technology companies, government regulators, and more. Now is the time to build on lessons learned, leverage available resources, and strive to create easy, secure digital financial systems that benefit everyone.

Style Tiles and Select Storyboards

The Level One Project team needed a video with a full cast of diverse characters representing those from select countries like Nigeria, Pakistan, and elsewhere that were beginning to enter the formal economy through digital money transactions. Characters needed to pass cultural testing to make sure that clothing, posture, and movement were correctly reflective of the culture and people. To do so, I helped to develop a full cast of rigged-characters of all different ages, races, body types with interchangeable features and clothing. I also created all supporting scenes and spot illustrations as we moved into the storyboard phase of the video, before handing it off to our motion designers.

Financial Services for the Poor:
A Guide for a Digital Payments System

This video presents a model for country-level digital financial services system designed to bring the poor into the formal economy.


Financial Services for the Poor:
Getting Started: Bulk Payments, Account Creation, and Account Management

This video introduces three key cases that can incentivize consumers and organizations to start using a digital financial services system.


Financial Services for the Poor:
Day-to-Day Digital Transactions: Purchase, Transfers, and Cash Transactions

This video describes approaches that enable the poor to make digital transactions part of their day-to-day lives.


Bill Gates Ted Talk